
Wissenswertes rund um Webdesign und Branding für dein Business

Website Relaunch Elementor

Website Relaunch in Elementor Pagebuilder

RealUnit Schweiz AG is a listed investment company that invests in a broadly diversified range of real assets such as gold and other physical metals, equity investments, mainly in Swiss companies, and cash (CHF). It pursues the goal of protecting the assets entrusted to it from crises and loss of purchasing power in the best possible way. In order to put the existing website on a sustainable footing, I implemented a relaunch in the page builder Elementor as a first step. I also implemented a change in the website structure, new pages and new content according to the customer’s wishes.

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Website Relaunch Consulting Website

Website Relaunch for Logistics Consultancy and Software House

When I started at VCE as Marketing Manager, there was a strong urge for a new website. One of the reasons for this was that the website was not responsive, i.e. it did not adapt to different screen sizes. Since it was already 11(?) years old, so – no surprise. In discussions with the management, it also became clear that the content was not up to date and also not displayed very user friendly. The business has grown over the years and the website hasn’t quite kept up.

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