
Wissenswertes rund um Webdesign und Branding für dein Business

Webdesignn UX UI für moderne digitale Steuerkanzlei

Website for digital tax consultant

Digital tax consultant and business administration graduate Heike Huitema has made it her mission to make tax returns and bookkeeping simple and digital for her clients.

The average tax consultant website is usually outdated, at best reputable, but not necessarily particularly inviting. Now, tax consultants usually have enough to do. But why not use a representative website to attract those clients who are a perfect fit for your own way of working?

In a brand workshop, I worked with Heike to determine which brand values, colors and styles best suited her and her target group. This web design is based on this – it couldn’t be further away from old-fashioned and boring – and at the same time competent, strong and flexible: a website for tax consultancy can also look like this!

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Familienberatung Webdesign

Webdesign for a family and trauma therapist

(Re)finding peace, trust and a sense of security – and how a web design can adequately convey these values:
When pregnancy or the postnatal period is not as harmonious as hoped, nerves are often on edge. Iris Distelrath uses a technique called EEH (Emotionelle Erste Hilfe = Emotional First Aid) to help her clients become more aware of their own feelings and the needs of their child so that they can then find their own solutions.

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